Heritage Christmas in Greencastle

The 33rd Annual Greencastle-Antrim Heritage Christmas celebration is finally here!
On Friday, November 17, the official 2023 Tree Lighting Ceremony, sponsored by Local IQ/Herald Mail Media starts at 7 p.m. This event includes singing carols and ringing of the bells sponsored by Antrim Way Honda. The tree lighting ceremony concludes with the lighting of the tree by the Lights of Love, sponsored by West Penn Power. The tree is sponsored by Antrim Township and the Borough of Greencastle, decorations sponsored by Premier HVAC.
On Saturday, November 18 Santa Claus is coming to town during the 38th annual Greencastle Christmas Parade, sponsored and organized by VerStandig Media. Small Business Saturday is Saturday, November 25, sponsored by McCrea Heating & Air Services. Shoppers at local businesses have the chance to win a prize while shopping at G-A businesses as part of #shopgreencastlepa.
Homeowners in the Greencastle-Antrim area are invited to “Light It Up” with festive displays of lights and decorations during the holiday season. Register as a contestant for the Light It Up contest by November 30. The public is asked to vote for their favorite home, by contributing $1 per vote between December 1-20. The community will decide the winner based on popular vote, with proceeds to be donated directly to the Greencastle-Antrim Food Pantry. Light It Up is sponsored by Greencastle ACE Hardware.
The Grace United Church of Christ is featured on the 2023 Heritage Christmas Tree Ornament. The 2023 ornament will be available at: Lumber Direct, the shop and the Greencastle-Antrim Chamber office. The cost is $20 and cash or check are accepted.
Fridays, December 1 and December 8 will be the Heritage Christmas in the Square. This family-friendly event runs 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. each night and features musical entertainment, giveaways and treats from local community groups, businesses and vendor booths. Stroll through downtown Greencastle stores, enjoy the tree in Center Square, bring your letters to place in Santa’s Mailbox, sponsored by Corning Credit Union, visit Uncle Bean, and be sure the kids have their photo taken with Santa, sponsored by F&M Trust.
Information about these activities and more can be found at the Chamber’s website or by contacting the G-A Chamber office at info@greencastlepachamber.org or 717-597-4610.