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Focusing on employee wellness not only benefits your employees but can boost your company’s bottom line as well.  Estimates that one in five Americans experience some form of mental illness, most without getting treatment, means that many will continue to struggle with their issues, impacting both family life and work life, if employed.  And although mental health struggles have long pre-dated COVID-19, the pandemic only served to exacerbate the health challenges for many individuals.

For the employer, the benefits of supporting employee mental health can be substantial. By showing an interest in the health and well-being of their staff they can help employees navigate through issues like anxiety, depression, burnout and traumas.  In addition to showing they truly care about their employees, providing mental health support can also increase productivity and improve the overall morale of the office.

The first step concerned employers can take is to look critically at their benefit portfolio to assure that the resources they are providing adequately meets the needs of their working populace.  Start by reviewing the mental health benefits provided by any base health insurance benefits, Employee assistance programs (EAPs) and Telehealth services, then make sure all these programs are being effectively communicated to employees so they will be able to take advantage of the resources being provided to them. 

Finally, employers can create opportunities for management and human resource personnel to open up supportive conversations with employees regarding mental health issues, helping to reduce the stigma wherever possible by sharing any of their own personal experiences and challenges.

The Cumberland Valley Business Alliance offers its members access to My Benefit Advisor as a solution for employee benefits, including voluntary offerings.  For more information about My Benefit Advisor, visit our website at or contact Christopher Sloane at (800) 377-3539.

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